Ongoing Projects

1. MRPL, Mangalore
1. Annual Rate Contract for Miscellaneous Electrical works in Refinery Premises.
2. Services for maintenance of Window and Split airconditions and water coolers.
3. Deployment of Technical Manpower for Operation of Substation-31.
4. Opeartion of 110KV Substation/Switchyard at Jokatte.
5. Hiring technical Manpower for Process Engineering & Production Planning.
AMC electrical Maintenance
3. NTPC Ltd. (National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.), Kayamkulam
Biennial contract for Electrical maintenance of plant areas
4. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)- V.S.S.C, Thrivandrum
Operation & Maintenance of substations HT/EHT installations in VSSC/CMSE/IISU (ISRO), Thrivandrum

5. L&T, Coimbatore
Assembling & Testing of Switch Boards
6. Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD)
Maintenance of Electrical Installations, water pumps and Operation of pumps and diesel generators at BIRD, campus, Bondel, Mangalore
7. OMPL (ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd) , Mangalore
AMC Electrical Maintenance
8. GAIL ( Gas Autorization India Ltd.) Lakwa
Testing & Commissioning of Electrical Items
9. Tecnimont ICB Pvt. Ltd
- Electrical Erection works for DHDT area and offsites at BPCL Kochi for Tecnimont ICB Pvt Ltd.
- Installation of Instrument Cable Ducts and Cable Laying Package 1 - IREP & Offsite Project at BPCL KR Refinery for TICB.
10. 2. BPCL Kochi Refinery
Testing & Commissioning of HT & LT switchgear at BPCL Kochi
11. 3. NTPC Limited Bongaigaon
Supply of Specialized manpower for instrumentation and commissioning activities.
12. NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd (NTECL)
Annual Job Contract For Maintenance of HT/LT Switchgear of Main Plant & Off site.
Our Services